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About New - Guitarist

Wadcharin Suksabsri Born in 1990, started guitar lesson at 14 years old and seriously studied classical guitar at the Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University where he received the Bachelor and Master degree in Music Performance Major, took guitar lessons under Dr. Ek-karach Charoennit, Vithaya Vosbein and Pongpat Pongpradit. He participated in various international guitar competitions in Thailand and around Asia. He got some prizes such as Finalist Sigon International Guitar Festival &​Competition​2019 The Special Reward SEA​ Guitar Artistic Awards Indonesia​ 2019 3 rd Prize​ Thailand International Guitar​ Festival 2011 3 rd​ Prize Pattaya classical​ guitar​ festival​ &​ competition 2020 3 rd Prize YAMP Classical​ Guitar ​Forum​ 2020 ( Open Category )​ 3 rd Prize Asia International Guitar Festival​ & Competition 2020 2nd Prize Altamira Guitar Thailand 2019 2 nd Prize​ Thailand International Guitar​ Festival 2022 1st Prize Martinez Thailand Guitar Competition 2020
